Volunteer at Serenity
We can’t do it without you
We depend on the contributions of volunteers to achieve our mission. Serenity has no paid staff and runs only through the work of volunteers and their invaluable contributions to the welfare of our horses.
Our dedicated volunteers work 365 days a year, helping with:
Chores around the barn such as mucking out stalls, picking paddocks, and morning and afternoon feeds
Staffing events and educating the public
Administrative work, grant writing, advocacy, and fundraising support
Volunteers don't ride the horses. Most of our horses are inexperienced or come from situations that have left them with emotional or behavioral issues. To ensure consistency and be able to evaluate when they are ready for adoption we have a trainer to work with the horses.
Volunteers do not handle the horses until they have been at Serenity for three months, take the Horse Handling class and begin to work with another Horse Handler to learn how to bring in and take out the horses. If Volunteers would like to learn to groom training is available once you become a Horse Handler.
We do not have drop in volunteers. All of our volunteers are scheduled by the Volunteer Coordinator to ensure that we have enough people to complete the jobs that need to be done each day to ensure the horses needs are met. A weekly schedule is sent out every Saturday to all volunteers.
To volunteer at Serenity, volunteers must:
Be 18 years old
Minors 14-17 may volunteer with parental approval
Minors 12-13 may volunteer with their parents, and must be supervised at all times
Commit to a minimum of three months of scheduled service
Attend volunteer orientation
Sign a liability release form
Abide by barn rules (please read before orientation)
Volunteer Application
To get involved, complete the Volunteer Application.
Please print the appropriate release below as well as the barn rules and bring them to orientation.
Volunteer Information and Barn Rules
Questions? Email volunteer@serenityequinerescue.com for more information.
If you volunteer with us, please remember you do so at your own risk. All volunteers must sign a release form before working on the farm, as a reminder that all activities involving horses have inherent risks. Signs in the barn and arena also remind volunteers and visitors that Washington State Law protects operators, owners, trainers, promoters and others from liability for injuries or illnesses that result from an equine's behavior or health.
Finally, at orientation we respectfully ask that you be very aware around the horses. Some of our horses have not learned to trust yet and can be unpredictable. Once you have started to volunteer you will become familiar with the horses that are safe to interact with.
Thank you so much for your cooperation. We look forward to meeting with you!
This is a wonderful place of healing, for the horses and for those of us who have the chance to volunteer here. Every time I come I look at those majestic animals and am so grateful that they have a place that the can just be. No expectation, just become whole, heal, be loved and give all those things back to us if we open ourselves to what Patricia has fostered.
It's amazing!
I began working at Serenity to learn about the care and rehab process of a rescue horse. I have learned soooo much through Patricia and am in awe when I see her and our trainer working with the horses. Every horse and human to step foot on the property lifes are changed forever, in the most healing and positive way possible!
Volunteering at Serenity is the most rewarding experience. Every week Im there I learn so much from the horses. They are in a safe haven here. The director, Patricia Clark is so passionate about giving these horses the best care, healing, and love humanly possible. I learn something new from Patricia every time I am there. I wouldn't want to spend my time anywhere else.
I started volunteering at Serenity two years ago. I had been looking for a new volunteer opportunity. Although I live in Seattle, the drive is worth it. For as much as I give to the horses, they give back to me ten fold. Volunteering at Serenity is my therapy, and I feel honored to work with director Patricia Clark and the many volunteers that I now consider friends.