Our Director, Patricia has been rescuing pigs since 1981. When she moved to her farm in Maple Valley in 2006, she brought Miss Piggy, a Vietnamese Potbelly pig with her. The Vietnamese Potbelly pig is a miniature pig. Serenity has rescued many pigs over the years. Most of our rescue pigs have been adopted, but we always have a couple that live on the farm.
Your mini pig won't stay mini forever.
Miss Piggy and Sophie. pictured above, each weighed about five pounds when they were sold as "mini" pigs.
Miss Piggy grew to 150 lbs.
Sophie grew to 250 lbs.
Serenity recently rescued a piggy named Josie. Her owner was told by the breeder that she was a micro pig or Julianna. Her daily diet was ½ cup of yogurt and 1/4 cup of oatmeal twice a day. When Josie arrived at Serenity she was severely malnourished and small for her age of 21 weeks. She weighed 25 Ibs. Within a month of feeding her properly, she weighed 35 Ibs.
Had her owner kept her and stuck to the diet given to her by the breeder, Josie’s growth would have been stunted. As a result of poor nutrition she would not have developed the bone density to support her and she would be prone to fractures along with a myriad of other health issues thus shortening their lives considerably. The average life expectancy for a potbellied pig is 20 years, most "micro/teacup" pigs don't make it past 5 years.

Pigs as Pets
If you are considering pigs as pets, be aware of the following:
There are no micro or teacup pigs. There are just smaller versions of farm pigs that have been inbred to create a smaller pig or underfed so that their growth is stunted.
Miniature pigs depending on their breeding, should weigh between 100 and 150 Ibs. Most have been inbred with other species of pig including farm pigs. We have had miniature pigs at Serenity that grew to be 250 Ibs in five years. As the years went by, they had a difficult time getting around because their legs could not carry their weight.
Pigs need to be active and have an appropriate environment where they can practice their natural rooting and digging behaviors.
Pigs are very social and need a friend to root around with.
Pigs are very intelligent and easily bored. If left alone indoors all day they will find ways to entertain themselves by rooting up your carpets and other destructive behaviors. Hundreds of thousands of pigs lose their homes every year because they have developed destructive behaviors out of loneliness and boredom.
Pigs are difficult to discipline as they are stubborn and not easily dissuaded when they have their mind set on something. Corporal punishment does not work and will lead to a pig that bites. Pigs have only one defense: their teeth. If they become fearful, they will bite.
Pigs need a proper diet of vegetables some fruit and pig pellets.
Pigs need an annual wellness check with a veterinarian who knows pigs.
Pigs need to be wormed every three to four months depending on their environment.
Pigs need their hooves trimmed if they are not living in a natural environment.
Male pigs need their tusks trimmed every one to two years.
All pigs need to be neutered or spayed. Pigs are sexually mature at three months.